Advance Social Impact
Promote corporate social responsibility and other private sector regulatory frameworks in South-East Asia with ASEAN and its member states and with leading agribusiness companies.
Gender Transformative and Responsible Agribusiness Investments in Southeast Asia (GRAISEA) is a regional programme which is funded by the Government of Sweden. GRAISEA promotes win-win-win propositions: wins for communities, small-scale producers and larger businesses.
Promote corporate social responsibility and other private sector regulatory frameworks in South-East Asia with ASEAN and its member states and with leading agribusiness companies.
Demonstrate gender transformative and responsible agribusiness investments for smallholders, in particular women in the selected value chains of palm oil and aquaculture.
Promote responsible and innovative investments in small and medium enterprises.
In partnership with IIX and Oxfam’s GRAISEA program, we now support agri-SMEs to expand potential for positive impact on women, thereby advancing gender equality.
Since the inception of GRAISEA at the beginning of 2015, pilots in shrimp aquaculture were launched in Indonesia and Vietnam. One element of these projects is to connect with ongoing efforts to develop more sustainable methods in shrimp aquaculture. Oxfam has advocated that the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), one of the certification initiatives and aquaculture improvement programmes, includes social aspects as standard.
The Gender Transformative & Responsible Business Investment in South East Asia (GRAISEA) programme believes that equitable, sustainable and viable value chains can be built for agriculture commodities through multi-stakeholder cooperation. Governments can provide policies and laws to guide and require responsible business and gender equity, agribusiness can enter into partnerships for fair value chains and gender empowerment, and investors can offer financial services and products for small-scale producer growth and sustainability. The mid-term evaluation covers April 2015-September 2016.
IIX offer services on Technical Assistance and/or Impact Assessments.